2018-10-24 - thingsHub 3.5
Released 24/Oct/18
As k8s operator, I can easily deploy a single thingsHub instance/tenant in my cluster
As an operator, I need instructions on how to prepare my infrastructure for running thingsHub
As a customer's k8s operator, I need access to a smartmakers docker registry to download the services' images from.
I want to show in grafana data from my Elsys device which is connected to a Kerlink LNS
As an NKE In'O user, I want an up-to-date and cleaned-up schema for my driver.
Drivers doesn't work on th opel instance
ThingsHub complains about missing labels relation because of db disconnect
As a Kerlink LNS user, I want complete, tested and documented Kerlink LNS support for uplinks and downlinks.
Fix Invetory API Create/Delete behaviour
/devices PUT returns error
Setting empty driver for device returns an error