2020-12-03 - thingsHub 4.1
Released 3/December/2020 - Latest Production Release thingsHub 4.1.1
Many minor bug fixes on the web interface
Tracking: receive rough GEO positions based on the gateways lat/long, so that Device Managers know where their gps devices are
Tracking: As an tracking user I want the Abeeway devices to fall back to network positioning if there are GPS or BLE timeouts
Tracking: Show Location info field from tracked Assets in the most meaningfull way
Device Management: As a user I want to change the OTAA/ABP parameters of my device and disconnect or reconnect my device
Network Connectors: Network Connector for Minol Zenner Connect LoraWAN Network (MZ-Connect)
Network Connectors: Network Connect for Swisscom LoraWAN Network
Integrations: DaVID Integration: make time range parameters mandatory for data request
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