2021-07-09 - thingsHub 4.5
Released 09/July/2021 - Latest Production Release thingsHub 4.5.6
New Features
Device Management
The installation location of a device can be marked on a map
Asset Tracking
The entire functionality around the Locators has been revised. All Eddystone BLE beacons detected by your asset trackers are now automatically added to the list of known Locators. Therefore, the user does not have to create them manually anymore. In addition, the user is also shown BLE beacons that are already present in his buildings and may not have been installed by himself
The complete address to the position of an asset tracker is now retrieved via the Google Maps API and stored at the asset
The dialog for creating asset trackers and asset tags has been made more user-friendly
Improved tenant configuration & security
A blacklist in the configuration of a thingsHub client can be used to remove authorization roles for resources. This allows, for example, to make the page for editing the network connectors inaccessible for users with the "Tenant-Owner" permission.
thingsHub containers do not run with root privileges anymore in Kubernetes based enterprise deployments
Bug fixes
Map is not shown for tracked Assets on Apple Mobile phones and Tablets
The "X" close tracked assets is not working
Responsive design switches to mobile layout at 1300 pixels already
The updated_at field of the locators is updated even when the location isn't changed
Filtering of sites which include zones by longitude and latitude do not return all filtered zones in case if they are colliding
Links to documentation in integration Quick Tip info panel are outdated
Asset inventory is not shown correctly in the bind dialog
Size of dashboard iframe is not full width
The link on the dahboards card (on the Home page) leads to the visualizer instead of the Dashboards page
Dashboard page looks broken on moderately-sized screens
Sending downlink with tHub to Melita.io results in an error message
New exporter shows logs from other exporters.
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