2021-08-09 - thingsHub 4.6
Released 09/August/2021 - Latest Production Release thingsHub 4.6.3
New Features
BULK: power users can now assign the device driver to multiple devices with one click
DEVICE MANAGEMENT: the given device location (telemetry) is now available in MQTT, Websockets and all other integrations
DEVICE MANAGEMENT: "Created" and "LastUpdated" fields have been introduced for devices
ASSET TRACKING: all maps can now be switched between regular and satellite view
USER & TENANT ROLES: Individual functionalities of a thingsHub tenant can be made inaccessible to all users of this tenant. Even users with the "tenant owner" permission role. To achieve this, the thingshub cluster administrator can blacklist the corresponding permission roles in the tenant configuration. For example, cluster administrators can use this functionality to prevent tenant users from adding new network connectors or modifying an existing connection to the LoRaWAN network server in use.
Bug fixes
Configuring a device on Loriot takes 35 seconds. This is observed as a timeout in the frontend.
Send Downlink dialog says "no message text defined"
Eddystone location updating is not working as expected.
Eddystone asset tags do not get their location reset if they are not scanned by any of the scanners during the last time window
Asset Scanner things are labeled with "type": "Asset Scanner", but the algorithm expects "type": "trackinghub"
Grafana Alerts for thingsHub Cloud users won´t show rendered metric image
The mobile menu does not take into account user permissions
External Site Id won´t be shown in API for tracked asset
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