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2021-10-21 - thingsHub 4.7

Released 21/October/2021 - Latest Production Release thingsHub 4.7.7

New Features


Turn ventilation systems, hall lights, pumps and other equipment on and off via LoRaWAN devices. With thingsHub Actions, this is as easy as letting yourself have a coffee from the coffee machine. On the configuration tab of devices that provide such functionality, you will find one or more "Action" buttons. Clicking one of these buttons sends the corresponding control command to the LoRaWAN device. Depending on its configuration, this will be executed immediately (Class C device) or with the next message (Class A).


Doing the same activities every day or every week takes a lot of time and energy. ThingsHub Device Automations free you from this burden. Set up Device Automation jobs to send your LoRaWAN device fleet a daily or weekly command or configuration change. You can set the exact time and use labels to select which devices to send the command to. In the current implementation, only sending up to five downlinks is supported so far. In the next thingsHub releases, the execution of device actions or the change of the device configuration will be added.


Configure hundreds of LoRaWAN endpoints in just four clicks. The new Configuration bulk edit feature allows you to select one device as a template to apply its configuration to multiple other devices. To do so, select the devices to be configured and click "Configuration". The wizard then guides you through the process.


To improve the import of large amounts of LoRaWAN devices, the Bulk Import Wizard has been revised. The help text now shows examples for all supported CSV formats and allows comma and semi-colon separated lists to be imported. Furthermore, one or several labels can be specified under which the devices can be found after the import.


The Google Maps map display has been completely revised. Sites, zones and floor plans are now displayed on all maps and can be switched on and off.

Imported as well as dynamically changed Asset Meta Data is now displayed on the detail view of a tracked asset.

The Asset Journey allows you to easily track the movements between different plants, locations or cities. Stations connected by directional arrows allow you to understand the asset's route at a glance. The Journey table allows you to easily customize the time period to be displayed.


The interface between the LORIOT LoRaWAN Network Server and thingsHub has been significantly improved. Downlinks are now set via the LORIOT API and therefore work much faster, more reliably and more transparently.


Several improvements have been made in the context of user management and platform administration:

  • Every user can view his API keys via the user menu, delete them or create new keys in the web user interface

  • The MQTT integration does not send the used user and its password anymore

  • Failed user logins and their reasons can now be viewed in the tenant log files

Bug fixes

An incredible 51 bugs were corrected with this release.

  • Configuring a device on Loriot takes 35 seconds. This is observed as a timeout in the frontend.

  • "You do not have required permissions" tooltip is shown mutiple times

  • Asset Journey shows too many lines

  • Asset localization causes a NaN error message

  • Asset Scanner things are labeled with "type": "Asset Scanner", but the algorithm expects "type": "trackinghub"

  • Can't add a label to a device in the Edit Device modal

  • Cannot move locator inside zone

  • Clicking on "243 devices" on start page will not open the device list

  • Console error message on Tracked Assets page

  • For new tenants the visualizer doesn't start up automatically anymore

  • Dashboards dissapear after update to Pre 4.7

  • Deleting devices (on the overview page) doesn't redirect to device overview pages

  • Depending on screen size, batch buttons disappear on the Devices Overview page.

  • Device automation downlinks are not validated strictly enough

  • Device automations should be sorted alphabetically by default

  • Device detail network table has issue with sorting headers

  • Device-automation page has error in console

  • Driver update button spinner looks bad

  • Dropdown on New device creation disappears when screen-size is small

  • External Site ID is missing in tracked asset API data

  • For some tracked assets, the details don't get updated (with error in console)

  • Geocoordinate (0,0) should not be shown on maps

  • In device automations, the downlink lists have a lot of "empty" downlinks in them

  • Internal server error for device imports

  • JS error when selecting and asset without geolocation data

  • Locators swagger still contains old fields, e.g. max_stocks

  • Longer Grafana Dashboards will be shown in thingsHub with.a "inner" scrollbar

  • Manage Labels table is not getting shown

  • Migration the registry to 4.7.1 chokes on drivers without a valid zip file

  • Navigating to Device Overview page with filter option is broken

  • On small devices link "Dashboard" is missing at nav-menu

  • On the device automation details page, If the selector is a $or without list items, then the widget isn't displayed

  • On the device overview table, I cannot right-click on a device name to open the device details page in a new tab.

  • On the Tracked Assets Journey, the journey lines are shown/hidden when clicking on Sites

  • Publish Dashboard 500 error when it should be 400

  • Some Asset Journey positions have , as coordinate (a comma followed by a space)

  • Some tracked assets get updated every minute without any new data

  • Some UI elements have broken links to Device Overview page

  • Sometimes loading the device data table is very slow...

  • Status is not updated in status tab after saving automation type

  • Swisscom Network Connector doesn't properly urlencode username and password

  • The Abeeway localization does not update tracked assets on the dev tenant

  • The Save Configuration button jumps to the left when pressed

  • There's no technical role for custom fields

  • Tracking menu shown for user NOT having any tracking permission

  • Various issues with the Asset Tracking Journey map

  • When a user has no "Dashboard XYZ" role, on the dashboard he get's a page with only {} on it

  • When an asset is tracked with an address, the latitude and longitude seem to get lost

  • When I don't have permission for a button, It's gray but I can still click on it

  • When I remove all numbers from a Locators Lat/Long fields, the string NaN is inserted instead

  • When trying to import a device list from a CSV file without a label, the UI crashes

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