2022-07-21 - thingsHub 4.12
Released 21/July/2022 - Latest Production Release thingsHub 4.12.8
New Features
USER FRIENDLY CONFIGURATION EDITOR The users can now use the form-based editor to easily update the configuration of the device. Each field has the help text provided in the driver schema. Note: Power User mode allows switching to the JSON Based Editor | |
CROSS VALIDATION OF VALUES Values in each field is cross-validated with the known state of the device. The green tick on the right side denotes that the desired configuration for the value matches with the device’s known state. |
LOGIN WITH THINGSHUB USER The thingsHub app is deployed in the iOS App Store, and the users can now use the app for monitoring their IoT use cases. |
Probabilistic Sampling support for tracing
Support parallel execution of Configurable Tracking Algorithms with the builtin tracking algorithms
Associate Asset Trackers & Tags to Tracking Algorithms
Associate Tracked Assets with Tracking Algorithms
Migrate the overview pages to scrolling tables
Rename built-in algorithm IDs and things types
Increase Time between Data-Table Ping
On the Tracked Assets overview, add tooltips to clustered assets
On the Sites details map(s), show the zone names overlayed over the zone
Increase item count per page on all scrollable tables
Bug fixes
A total of 24 bugs were corrected with this release.
The query `api/v3/devices?telemetry=true` returns null instead of the list of devices when there is malformed data
During bulk import, the number of successfully imported devices isn't shown if the import failed for other devices
Opening and closing the bind dialog replicates the metadata filter UI drop-down elements
Minor fixes for the form-based device configuration
Bulk import bad user experience
Remove error messages in responses from errors with code 500
The data/query endpoint returns 500 instead of 400 if the user-provided duration is invalid
Frequent error messages on device data table
ThingsHub does not handle errors correctly when a device cannot be created on the Loriot network server due to quota limits
Engine and Other Services Can't Realiably Connect to NATS After Service Restarts
Transmitted device messages from Swisscom LNS are lost when ThingsHub is in a problem state
The "Config" tab crashes for the custom Tracking Algorithms in Tracker creation process
Test/Troubleshoot API for Tracking Algorithms giving 500 internal server error
The admin console returns 404 on reload
The tracking service gets OOM-killed continuously
The Data Table overview page crashes the InfluxDB with an out-of-memory situation
Opening a concrete device in a new tab from the devices overview page does not work properly
Driver registry returns an Internal Server Error (500) when a configuration field's type does not match the schema (should return bad request (400) instead)
The default count of "Items per page" is 25 in the Journey tab of Tracked Asset
Add / remove labels will always lead to the "Warning: Your device selection will be cleared" dialog
The "Dashboard" page appears blank
Space is missing between element and bottom border in all full height pages
The "User Management" page is crashing
Incorrect font used in multiple pages
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