2022-09-02 - thingsHub 4.13
Released 02/September/2022 - Latest Production Release thingsHub 4.13.2
New Features
![]() | REAL-TIME TRACKING With this new algorithm, the asset’s location is calculated as soon as the device associated with the asset sends the data. There is no schedule to wait for with this algorithm. BURST DATA SUPPORT This algorithm supports data burst and handles each of them separately. This allows the assets to update historical locations. |
Tracker & tag inventory drop-down for devices without a name
Improve performance of the Asset Tracking's Indoor Locators lookup
Search field in "Custom fields" and "Metadata filters" pages in Tenant Settings
Select or change ThingsHub tenant in the App
"Reset" location setting for a device
Add "Flow Charting" Plugin to thingsHub Grafana
Allow users to keep or clear the selected devices after a bulk activity
Change retention policies for things / tracked assets to 3Y
Telemetry data from device is now written into the receptions information
Show tracked assets on map in thingsHub App
Show details for a tracked asset in the thingsHub App
Bug fixes
A total of 29 bugs were corrected with this release.
HTML injection caused by the use of "innerhtml"
"Metadata" appears as "Meta Data"
The “Password” and “Confirm Password” fields are not compared when your reset password through email link
Wrong timestamp in Journey for Yabby Edge devices
Two asset tracking filter elements are too near to each other
Macbook - Auto.-High adjusted tables and the google map are not fitting into the available browser inner space
Tracked Asset journey should be shown for the same day
Updating a device's configuration doesn't generate downlinks
The configuration form isn't shown for the nke-modbus driver
The engine turns the driver registries "bad request" into an "internal server error"
The driver registry returns a 200 when the driver itself returns an error
Remove tooltip from the clustered journey points
The displayed format of Time Range selector needs to be correct
When binding assets, the filters are duplicated in the tracking overview
The "Create & Edit fileds" button should redirect user to the Custom Fields page
The qa tenant returns an internal server error when querying tracking-algorithms
Typo in network name: it should be "Chirpstack"
"All Devices" label is not working
Clustered Journey Points on map should always be displayed according to the enteries in journey table
Pagination is broken for /api/v3/things when filtering by typ
Configuration Not Shown for Tracking Algorithm
Asset journey text + icon alignment + user experience improvement
Adjust Tracked Assets page to full height with bottom margin
Paginated asset journey data is not showing markers on map in 10 items per page
Welcome Screen - UI issues of App
Tracked asset page is not opening even if user has "Owner" level permission for Tracking
Data table details page page is not opening even if user has "Owner" level permission for Data
The Asset Inventory table does not use the full height of the page
Grafana plugin page crash
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