2023-03-31 - thingsHub 5.0
5.0.0 released: 31 May 2023
New Features:
A new page and UX for logout to accurately log out users from ThingsHub and Grafana.
Introduction of new thingshub modes: thingsHub & trackingHub
The new sites and zones page in trackinghub provides sites and zones analytics including geofencing, assets stock etc.
The assets stocks feature has been added to check the number of assets on site/zone.
The assets entering and leaving feature has been added to check when assets entered or left a specific site.
New home page for trackinghub.
Revamped the UX for floorplans with the ability to drag, drop and adjust the floorplan on the map.
The feature of White-labelling is added, which allows customers to customize the look and feel of their tenant including colours, logos, links etc.
Dynamic routing, different routes in different thingshub modes.
New look and feel of the main navigation.
New Field Mapping feature in tenant settings to customize device data format.
Abeeway Tracking Algorithms ignore tracker data before the "Bind" event.
Login UX improved with error messages and loading.
UX for live location update in tracking has been improved by updating the position in the background without affecting user view.
The tenant backup is configurable using Helm.
Device overview performance improvement.
The option of status and enabled start/stop is added in custom tracking algorithms.
The logging of data events has been enhanced for better traceability of issues.
The configuration of tracking algorithms is improved and simplified with defined options to select.
Improved backup of tenants.
The validations on the asset binding process have been enhanced.
The view scrolling has been improved on the tenant settings page.
The role selection is added as part of user creation.
The device configuration is not set to form view by default.
The tracked assets page has been optimized with server-side pagination.
Grafana has been updated to the latest version.
New Infinity loading in assets journey.
Support for the Thingfox network, adding new network connector, driver etc.
The map experience has been optimized throughout the application.
Site creation has been improved with site position and outline as part of the creation process.
The latest updated tracked assets are sorted on top.
The data tables page has been optimized with server-side pagination.
Labels assigned to a data table are now visible in the listing table.
The GPS timeout handling has been improved in Abeeway Compact Tracker Algorithm.
The tracked assets details view has been enhanced with effective space utilization.
Device information like name and last uplink received is not available in tracked assets status detail.
The info window is enhanced in tracked asset details to show the tracked asset information.
A relative time filter has been added to tracked-assets journey.