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2023-10-12 - thingsHub 4.14

Released 12/October/2022 - Latest Production Release thingsHub 4.14.4

New Features

  • Logout functionality is improved, logging out from Graphana will also log you out from ThingsHub and vice versa.


  • Login functionality is improved for the invalid credential use case.

  • Tracked assets map view is not changed when the position of a tracked asset is updated live.

  • The device overview page has been optimized for a large number of devices.

  • The chip stack network connector is updated to add a self-signed certificate.

  • Status is added to tracking algorithms and can be updated in the tracking algorithm details page.

  • A button is added to externally open a dashboard.

  • The UX for the configuration of the tracking algorithm has been enhanced with options to select.

  • A tracked asset cannot be bonded twice (using API).

  • Validation is added to the data tables description.

  • Auto register option is added in all network connectors.

  • Error message for duplication site creation is improved.

  • The error message is improved in case of an invalid password while updating the password.

  • The tracked assets journey table is optimized for a large number of data.

  • The deprecated grafana-worldmap-plugin is removed. Use the grafana-recommended Geomap plugin as the alternative.

Bug fixes

  • The zoom level of tracked assets is now adjusted to the markers on the map.

  • State persistency issues with the auto-toggle button in network connectors creation.

  • The insecure option not working in Loriot network connector creation.

  • Tracking pages not working on IOS browsers.

  • “This week” in the assets journey filter was starting from Sunday instead of Monday.

  • The items per page were set to 10 after sorting in the Assets Inventory page.

  • Device selection in the device overview page was malfunctioning in some edge cases.

  • Spacing and orientation fixes in the device drivers page.

  • Validation is added to the assets id on the Assets Inventory page.

  • Table height is adjusted on datatables page.

  • The map is not using all the available space on site's overview page.

  • The background of the dropdown was showing transparent in the device bulk configuration modal.

  • The spinner keeps on spinning while updating a password of a user.

  • The “Copy To“ in the device bulk configuration was shown empty.

  • The user cannot delete a data table with a long name.

  • The updated device driver is not downloading all drivers.

  • The usage count was not updated in real-time on the manage labels page.

  • The CSV exporter does not generate CSV reliably.

  • The labels and configuration columns in the tracking algorithms table are always blank.

  • The Grafana session is not terminated when the user logs out from ThingsHub.

  • Validation is added to username in creation of new user.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.