2024-05-04 - thingsHub 6.0
6.0.0 released: 22. October 2024
New Features
The thingsHub visualizer has been upgraded to Grafana version 10.4.8 with a customized configuration.
For detailed information on the new features, please refer to the official Grafana documentation. Read documentation
With Grafana's transition from Angular to React, Angular plugins have been deprecated as of Grafana 10 and will be fully removed in future releases. To ensure that dashboards relying on these plugins continue to function correctly, migration is necessary. For detailed guidance on the migration process, please refer to the breaking changes documentation.

The 'Data Table' output node has been enhanced in terms of both usability and reliability

A new ThingsFlow DataTable can be created using the 'Create' button, while existing DataTables can be selected
The network connection system, Loco Aware, has been integrated into the network list.

The navigation for tracking module names has been enhanced and improved.

The Tracker & Tags feature has been enhanced to support the creation of bulk trackers and tags.

The creation modal allows for single or bulk creation of trackers and tags, displaying a progress bar and showing the creation results at the end.
The Trackers & Tags feature has been enhanced to allow bulk removal of trackers and tags.

The mass delete tracker modal is visible, and upon confirming the deletion, a progress bar is displayed.
A new positioning algorithm, "Generic Algorithm," has been added to the tracking algorithm options.

The tracking algorithm provides position update, ble scan and wifi scans for system Loco, Digital Matter Edge tracking devices, and Blueup Devices.
The Test & Troubleshoot simulator feature has been added to the generic tracking algorithm.

You can now select an asset tag from a dropdown list by applying a date range. Starting the simulation helps to list and show the tag results.
Mobile navigation has been enhanced with a responsive header and navigation.

Reopening the drawer retains the last selected state of navigation.
Highlight: The overview and detail page for the device driver have been redesigned with an improved user interface.

Overall UI has been redesigned and improved around overview page and detail page
The asset inventory form has been improved to enable both automatic and manual ID generation.

Selecting "Automatically Generated ID" generates an ID, while selecting "Manual ID" prompts the user to input an ID.
The zone functionality now allows to set zones colors while creating or updating the existing zones

We can now set zone color for better usability while creating zone and while updating the existing by selecting color from color column
The old homepage map has been replaced with an advanced marker map and advance markers

The new single tracked asset, cluster, and multi-markers are now visible, with clickable markers navigating to the tracked asset detail page. Sites, zones, plans and assetes can be shown or hidden using map buttons.
Live MQTT update is now enabled on the tracked asset status page.

With the latest position update, the marker, last update, and last uplink received fields are now updated without requiring a page refresh.
The overall indoor locator listing page has been revamped to allow filtering of indoor locators by status.

The overall user interface has been enhanced, allowing indoor locators to be filtered by their active or inactive status.
The label selection UI has been improved, enabling the addition of dynamic labels to devices.

A dynamic label can be added to a device from its detail page or in bulk actions, bulk label can be added or removed
The bulk functionality for adding or removing labels has been redesigned to display a progress bar.

The progress bar is now visible when adding labels to multiple devices or removing labels from them in bulk.
A new network connector “Actility“ has been integrated

We can now add Actility network connection from network connection page
A configurable password policy help text is now displayed during password update

The password policy help text has been integrated into various password reset sections, aiding users in creating passwords that meet the required format standards.
The 'Contact Sales' card on the homepage has been replaced with 'Alerts & Notifications.'

The card provides details on the total number of alert rules and the count of triggered alerts and notifications over the past seven days.
Usability and Other Enhancements:
The custom field overview table has been enhanced.
The network connection overview table has been improved.
The tracking algorithm overview table has been improved.
The issue with incorrect tracked asset moving time in asset stock has been fixed.
The missing back button while creating an asset tag has been added.
The issue causing the device driver configuration to hang for multiple seconds has been fixed.
The issue with registering auto-activated Yabby Edge LoRa devices has been fixed.
The issue with parsing device ID in the generic algorithm has been resolved.
The problem with previously tracked asset details opening from alert emails has been resolved.
Incorrect timestamp field usage on the Speaking Location Card and Map Tooltip has been resolved.
The system loco network connection and network connection driver have been improved.
The wrong driver description for single-driver configurations has been fixed.
The issue with services losing MQTT connections after updates has been resolved.
OEM Server Network Connector support for LoRa Edge devices has been extended.
The issue with metadata not updating with live MQTT on the tracked asset status page has been resolved.
The invalid error message on device action buttons has been fixed.
The issue with "show assets on map" not working from the device detail page has been fixed.
The issue with the count not updating upon device deletion from the device overview has been resolved.
The alignment issue with fields in the alert side panel has been resolved.
On homepage, contact page URL is updated with valid URL.
The contact page URL on the homepage has been updated to a valid URL.
Open alert rule modal is takes time to load is fixed.
The issue of the open alert rule modal taking time to load has been resolved.
Routing back from tracked asset detail page opened from alert modal is resolved.
The issue with routing back from the tracked asset detail page, which was opened from the alert modal, has been resolved.
The issue of the zone info window remaining visible after the zone is deleted has been resolved.
The issue with searching for a zone using certain characters not working has now been resolved.
The alignment issue with the main navigation in the German language and zoom language has been fixed.
The success message has been enhanced to reflect updates on device telemetry
Import Asset inventory validation with spaces or slashes in UID has been improved
Email validation has been improved by not allowing umlaut characters
The issue of missing status logs within the data exporter integration has been resolved.
The user interface of the "Add Integration" modal has been enhanced for a better user experience.
The tooltip on the "Add Asset Inventory" feature has been enhanced when the "assetAutomaticSync" setting is enabled
Inconsistent default sorting behavior in Asset Inventory table is resolved
The issue with the redirection from the login page to Grafana has been resolved.
The issue with opening the device detail page from the data table device selection has been resolved.
A success message has been added for the removal of custom fields and updating indoor locators details.
The success message has been improved when adding an asset to the inventory.
The issue causing empty results when sorting tracked assets on the listing page using the same start and end date has been resolved.
Journey arrows are no longer visible for tracking alerts and alert information.
The issue causing errors when assigning labels to more than 300 devices has been resolved.
The alignment issue with the back button on the tenant settings detail page has been resolved.
The issue resulting in errors with device actions has been resolved.
The Show on Map button is not functioning on the Tracking Map page has been resolved.
The issue causing delays in loading the alert modal has been resolved.
The issue with clicking the back button from the Grafana page has been resolved.
The issue where the on-site floorplan with no uploaded floorplan showed as 0 has been resolved.
The issue with the selection count when removing labels from bulk devices has been resolved.
The issue where previously added labels were not visible when adding bulk labels to devices has been resolved.
The success message has been improved when labels are added to devices.
The field alignment on the triggered alert detail page has been corrected.
The issue where the zone was deleted but the info window still showed has been resolved.
The issue regarding the visibility of the zone info window after removing the zone has been resolved.
The missing success message when device telemetry updates have been resolved.
The alignment issue on the main navigation in the German language has been resolved.
The issue of missing status logs on the data exporter integration has been resolved.
Removing an asset from the asset inventory bound to trackers now provides a meaningful error message.
Device labels on the device overview page and device map page are now visible on each line and listed in alphabetical order.
The issue with the "Sort By" selector on the tracking algorithm listing page has been fixed.
The metadata info that hides with live MQTT updates on the tracked asset status page has been fixed.
The redundant error message on the tracked asset detail page when updating the tracking algorithm in the running state has been removed.
The navigation issue when opening the tracked asset detail page from the alert email has been fixed.
The tracking algorithm overview page has been updated with an improved UI.
The network connection overview page has been updated with an improved UI.
The issue with the user email field not accepting a range of valid email formats has been addressed.
Geocoding cache size has been made configurable through the tenant configuration file.
The memory usage of the register service has been significantly reduced.
location of resolving approach of generic tracking algorithm has been improved.
In the Loriot network connector, the payload size limit has been increased from 4kb to 1mb.
The overall UI for selected labels has been enhanced to better handle long label text by implementing a maximum width across the system.
The broken links in the thingsHub documentation have been fixed.
The overall UI for labels selection has been improved across the system.
The removing a Tracker tag bind with tracker now displays a meaningful error message.
The issue of Wi-Fi value was shown in the BLE scan field within the configuration settings has been removed.
The problem of horizontal and vertical scroll bars appearing in various info windows has been fixed.
The number of tracked assets visible on the Asset Stock Overview page has been increased to 25 assets.
The tooltip displaying incorrect journey information in the Tracked Asset Journey window has been corrected.
The issue with exporting tracked assets in the "Assets on Site" tab of the Asset Stock page has been resolved.
The device configuration description, previously not visible on the Device Details page, is now displayed correctly.
The navigation link from the Asset Stock Overview tab to the Site Details page has been removed.
Various issues, including an empty label in the "Add Integration" form and label misalignment on the Details page, have been fixed.
The QR code has been removed from the login page.
The issue where the tracked asset count on the Home page was not synchronized with the Tracking Map has been resolved.
The problem of duplicate tracked assets appearing on the Tracking Map has been fixed.
The black border that was visible in the Tracked Asset Status info window has been removed.
The cloud logs for mqtt and influxdb have been improved.
The overall view of mapping sites and zones is improved.
The issue of multiple emails being sent to users from automation alert rules has been resolved.
The issue with map adjustments in the site zone map has been resolved.
The issue of the data table name reverting to a previous name upon data arrival has been resolved.
The old select box fields have been replaced with a new UI theme.
Meaningful error messages are visible instead of internal server errors.
The issue with invalid id generation while creating data exchange table is fixed.
The issue preventing guest users from clicking on 'Create Dashboard' in thingsHub has been resolved.
The loading issue on the map, when no tracked assets exist, has been resolved.
The CRUD operation buttons on the site floorplan for guest user roles are now grayed out.
The issue with invalid id generation while creating device automation is fixed.
The invalid tracker in the Swagger API sample data has been replaced with a valid one.
The issue with the data table in the 'Out Node' losing the user-selected data table name has been fixed.
The old built-in algorithm has been migrated to the new built-in algorithm in tracked assets.
6.0.2 Release Patches
The issue of text overlapping on the integration page has been resolved.
The issue with the site location not updating from the Edit Location modal has been resolved.
The nil pointer issue while clearing geolocation of an eddystone tracked asset has been resolved.
6.0.3 Release Patches
The missing translation for the 'Open Detail Page' button in the marker detail side drawer has now been added.
The issue with the incorrect header text in the dashboard removal modal has been resolved.
The nil pointer issue while clearing geolocation of an eddystone tracked asset has been resolved.
The issue with German text displaying as "Website" on the Tracked Asset List page has been resolved.
The success message displayed after updating the label from label management has been enhanced to provide more meaningful feedback.
The bulk operation button in trackers and tags is disabled and grayed out for users assigned the guest role.
The unnecessary spaces in the device automation type and notification tab have been removed.
The issue with the info window not appearing when hovering over the "11+" count on the Driver Detail page has been resolved.
6.0.4 Release Patches
The issue with adding a custom driver while creating or updating a device driver is restricted.
The inverted direction visible in the tracked asset journey opened in the Firefox browser has been resolved.
The press Enter key to move to the next field is now enabled in the metadata field while creating an asset inventory.
The issue with tracking API errors when a new release is deployed and the user is forcibly logged out from the system has been resolved.
While signing out from the Grafana visualizer, the user navigating to the login page instead of the relogin page has been resolved.