2024-02-28 - thingsHub 5.5
5.5.0 released: 28. February 2024
New Features
Highlight: The Device overview page has been redesigned with improved UI

Overall UI has been redesigned and improved around bulk actions and label selection
Multiple message format are introduced for node "device data in" in Thingsflow

We can now select different message formats for device data node to have different output formats, this has enhanced the adaptability of device data in different use cases. The new message formats are "data+network," "data+network+device," and "full."
The editing of datatable type thingsflow has been enabled

We can now edit the name of thingsflow type datatable from thingsHub
The reset password has been redesigned with enhanced user experience

The password visibility can be now toggled with the eye icon.
Error message with help text is visible when password policy is not satisfied.
You can now specify a custom password policy help text in tenant configuration.
The field mapping feature now allows field names to include dots, underscores, and numbers.

The naming flexibility on new field name has been extended to accept dots, underscores, and numerical characters.
Usability and Other Enhancements:
The incorrect heading in the delete data table modal has been corrected.
The issue of updating a user's full name to an empty value has been resolved.
Typographical errors in the mismatch error policy during user password updates have been fixed.
Enhancements have been made to the error message display when adding an existing network connection.
The date format has been improved on the data table detail page.
Coordinated validation has been enhanced when adding an indoor locator.
The German translation in the tracked asset journey tab has been improved.
The problem of error messages visible outside the snack bar has been fixed.
Missing permissions tooltip has been added for guest users intending to delete or edit integration.
The alert notifications are fixed to support users names with umlaut characters.
Redundant error messages in alert rule creation are removed.
The missing success message when deleting a datatable and the redirection issue on the datatable page is fixed.
The error message for updating a tag inventory with an existing name has been improved.
The error message for users without feature access while navigating to the home page has been improved.
The whitelabeling with light theme, which affects visibility of all the dialogs header has been fixed.
The email validation is enhanced to accept different email format across the thingsHub.
Improved Login Page User Experience (UX) through enhancements to the Username label and placeholder presentation.
Device message format has been enriched and improved. The device message is available in integrations, datatable and Thingsflow
5.5.12 Release Patches
The Google Maps API key can be configured via tenant settings to enhance security.
The issue with Grafana user creation failing when the username includes uppercase letters has been resolved
A parameter in the tenant configuration file’s identity provider block enables overriding the open configuration path for Keycloak OIDC
The issue causing TSDB to crash when the data table failed to handle a malformed internal message has been resolved.
Access to Things flow when deployed without a domain in the tenant configuration has been resolved
The issue where the notifier could not connect to NATS when both security and JetStream were enabled has been resolved.
The issue resulting in the loss of new HA NATS connections due to high number of connections from the thingsFlow service has been resolved.
The issue with incorrect timestamps when a device collects and sends multiple data points in a single uplink has been resolved.
The resource requested by the thingsflows service has been optimized.
The tracked asset metadata field has been enhanced by using
in place ofmoved_at
5.5.13 Release Patches
Incorrect timestamp field usage onSpeaking Location Card and Map Tooltip has been resolved
Wrong driver description for a single driver drivers has been fixed
The issue with services losing MQTT connections after update has been resolved.
The issue with device configuration hangs for multiple seconds when the driver configuration schema contains a lot of fields has been resolved.
The missing device deletion message as been added.
The missing info message when guest user intends to remove or update device has been resolved
The validation on field mapping field with at least 2 characters
5.5.14 Release Patches
The data exchange table connection button UI permissions have been improved for both users and guest users.
The redundant error message "Please stop the tracking algorithm to reconfigure it" has been removed.
The issue with the user email field not accepting a range of valid email formats has been addressed.
Node Affinity options to the thingsHub helm charts are added for more control over scheduling deployments in a kubernetes cluster.
In the Loriot network connector, the payload size limit has been increased from 4kb to 1mb.
5.5.15 Release Patches
Support for self signed certificate in keycloak identity provider has been added and additionally support for multiple certificates has been added.
5.5.16 Release Patches
The nil pointer issue while clearing geolocation of an eddystone tracked asset has been resolved.
The issue with the incorrect header text in the dashboard removal modal has been resolved.
The issue with German text displaying as "Website" on the Tracked Asset List page has been resolved.
The success message displayed after updating the label from label management has been enhanced to provide more meaningful feedback.
The unnecessary spaces in the device automation type and notification tab have been removed.
The issue with the info window not appearing when hovering over the "11+" count on the Driver Detail page has been resolved.
5.5.18 Release Notes
The inverted direction visible in the tracked asset journey opened in the Firefox browser has been resolved.
While signing out from the Grafana, the user navigating to the login page instead of the relogin page has been resolved.