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Working with Services

Restarting services

In the unlikely case that a service gets stuck in an invalid state and does not restart automatically, you can do a manual service restart like this:

$ kubectl -n demo get pods
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
engine-77f988f5bc-9dsbx       2/2     Running   0          3h17m
iam-5cf4c44df9-gt6vh          2/2     Running   0          3h17m
index-77886848dd-msj6q        1/1     Running   0          3h17m
influxdb-58df459db6-4xp72     1/1     Running   14         115d
inventory-6bf767c8d5-qccrm    2/2     Running   0          3h17m
mqtt-646bfc5cf7-lcpjd         1/1     Running   0          3h17m
nats-7f89678b77-jnnj8         1/1     Running   0          3h17m
registry-7b4b5cb585-tf7bk     2/2     Running   0          3h17m
th-api-5988c7cf4-95tpj        1/1     Running   0          3h17m
tsdb-d46964779-qsjqq          1/1     Running   0          3h17m
visualizer-7bfd79676d-hz6pc   1/1     Running   0          3h17m
web-ui-6d45775d4d-zrhrs       1/1     Running   0          3h17m
$ kubectl -n demo delete pod engine-77f988f5bc-9dsbx
pod "engine-77f988f5bc-9dsbx" deleted

This can also be done in a single command by selecting on a service's app label using -l:

Known issues

$ $ kubectl.exe delete pod -lapp=engine -n <tenant>
pod "engine-77f988f5bc-r4429" deleted

Uplinks are received, but not processed for decoding

This has been observed to happen rarely after cluster reorganization. Until a final solution has been found, it is recommended to restart the affected tenants' engine service:

$ $ kubectl.exe delete pod -lapp=engine -n <tenant>
pod "engine-xxxxxxxxxx-yyyyy" deleted

Data gets decoded, but not passed on via integrations

This has been observed to happen rarely after cluster reorganization. Until a final solution has been found, it is recommended to restart the affected tenants' engine service:

$ $ kubectl.exe delete pod -lapp=engine -n <tenant>
pod "engine-xxxxxxxxxx-yyyyy" deleted

Note that this is likely coming from the same root cause as the previous known issue.

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